YES! All of our courses are 100% free 💖
The courses we have range from our MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) to Coding Kickstarter classes, as well as the CFGdegree & +Masters which can potentially lead to a role within one of our company sponsors. For information on the difference between all of these courses, please read this article.
There are no fees associated with the course materials, and we will NEVER ask for payment!
FYI: We will always email you from a email address. Please report and block any spam emails.
We normally email from when we are responding to your queries unless you have reached the final stage of CFGdegree or MLA applications, you may be contacted from employee specific addresses.
If you are a current student on one of our courses, please refer to your class Slack channel to ask our Programmes team or your instructor for support. If you need help with general queries, you can contact our Community Support team via our contact form below! ⬇️