Please read the following make sure to check your visa status carefully when applying to the CFGdegree or MLA. Regrettably, not all Code First Girls cohorts currently include companies which offer visa sponsorship. If companies do offer sponsorship, this will be listed under the opportunity on our website.
I need a visa to work in UK
I'm an EU citizen
I'm a non-EU citizen
My visa status is changing
I have refugee status
I will need a visa to work in the UK. Am I eligible for sponsorship?
If a company is able to sponsor a visa they will state this in the advert on the Code First Girls website. There are occasionally sponsored visa opportunities available across some organisations but there are often a limited number of visa sponsorship opportunities available due to the financial implications involved for the organisation.
Do I have the right to work in the UK as an EU citizen?
As an EU Citizen, you will usually need either a European Union Settled Status at the time of applying, or you will need to apply to a company which is open to sponsoring a visa for you.
Do I have the right to work in the UK as a non-EU citizen?
If you have the right to work in the UK, you will usually hold a UK or Irish passport, have other immigration documents from the Home Office (such as a biometric residency card), or have an immigration status that can be shared digitally (such as a EU Settled Status code). If you are unsure whether you have the Right to Work, please check the GOV.UK website.
I am a recent graduate and my student visa status is about to change or expire
When you fill out your CFGdegree/MLA application form, please state your current visa status at the time of applying, ensuring you also enter the expiry date in the relevant section. Should your visa be renewed while CFGdegree/MLA applications are still open, please contact us to let us know so we can update your application accordingly. Please do not input the details of visas you have applied for that have not yet been approved.
Can I pay for my visa sponsorship myself?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay for visa sponsorship yourself. Your employer would need to sponsor your visa for you. If a visa is required, the company would have to consider the financial considerations in regards to the appointment.
I hold refugee status in the UK. Will I need a sponsored visa?
If you have proof of your right to work in the UK as outlined in question 2 or 3, you will not usually need your company to sponsor a visa.