What is the difference between a MOOC Sprint and a MOOC Challenge?

MOOC Sprints are beginner 4-week courses designed to give students the knowledge to complete a MOOC Challenge. In this article, we will break down the differences between them.

MOOC Sprint
MOOC Challenge
Do I have to complete both courses?

MOOC Sprint

Our MOOC Sprints are a 1-hour session each week over four weeks and will give you a great taster of key tech topics. Our core MOOCs are Intro to Coding, Intro to Python, Intro to Data and Intro to JavaScript, which means we run these regularly - but we also have many other unique and interesting MOOCs available. After each session, you will need to complete a quick quiz on the topic. 

These sessions are recorded and can be watched later, however, to get the most out of the sessions, we recommend attending live to take part in interactive tasks and engage with the instructors. Those who get full marks on their MOOC Sprint quizzes within the deadline (two weeks after the final session) will receive a certificate.

MOOC Challenge

Our MOOC Challenges come after the Sprints, following the same topic, and allow members to take part in a challenge to test their knowledge and skills.

They begin with an hour-long kick-off session where the challenge is announced and explained. At this point, students are split into groups or can complete it individually if they wish. Students are usually given two weeks to complete the challenge. The project ends with a one-hour wrap-up call, where the top three projects nominated by the instructor get the chance to present to the wider group.

Do I have to complete both courses?

The short answer is no! As they come with separate certificates, you do not need to do both to complete a MOOC. However, you should complete the relative MOOC Sprint before doing the MOOC Challenge as it is essentially an extension to the Sprint. 

FYI: We will always email you from a @codefirstgirls.com email address. Please report and block any spam emails. 

We normally email from moocs@codefirstgirls.com or programmes@codefirstgirls.com 📬

If you are a current student on one of our courses, please refer to your class Slack channel to ask our Programmes team or your instructor for support. If you need help with general queries, you can contact our Community Support team via our contact form below! ⬇️Still need help? Ask us!