What is the difference between live and on-demand MOOCs?

Here at CFG, we want to keep our incredible MOOCs available for students for as long as possible! Unfortunately, live tutor support and the ability to achieve a certificate must come to an end at the official deadline. This article describes the differences between live and on-demand MOOCs. Please check carefully when scrolling through the available MOOCs that you are selecting the type you are interested in completing.

Live MOOCs
On-demand MOOCs

Live MOOCs

Live and upcoming MOOCs should be found in the initial section of the MOOC classes. MOOC Sprints are moved to the on-demand library when the deadline for achieving a certificate has elapsed. You can still complete MOOC Sprints by watching the recordings in your own time - 'live' just refers to the Slack channel being active and certificates still being possible to achieve. Tutor support will also be available in the group Slack channel.

On-demand MOOCs

On-demand MOOCs are found in the second section of the MOOC classes. These are completed MOOC Sprints that you can study at your own pace, independently, using the recordings provided. It's best to still sign up to the Slack workspace as important information is usually pinned to the channel. You cannot achieve a certificate for on-demand MOOCs.

Want to know the difference between a MOOC Sprint and a MOOC Challenge? Check here!