How does the CFGdegree application process work?

The CFGdegree application process can be viewed here in a simple diagram!
The stages of the CFGdegree application process
I haven't heard back yet!
First and second-round offers


On the launch day for applications (usually between 5-7pm), we will post opportunities from our sponsoring companies for the upcoming CFGdegree cohort. Please read each opportunity carefully before applying. We can break down these listings here!


In this part of the listing we will describe the available roles after completing the degree. This would be something like Junior Software Engineer, or Data Analyst Intern. In some cases it will say "Education Only", "Mentorship Only" or "Sponsored Places Only". This means that there is no guaranteed job role attached, so please only apply to these types of spaces if you are happy with receiving the free educational CFG Scholar opportunity.

You may also find that the stream for the CFGdegree the company is sponsoring may be different to the job role at the end - for example a Product Management CFGdegree that leads to a Junior Software role. It's up to the company's discretion which CFGdegree stream they feel would be best for each role at their company!📝


For opportunities tied to job roles, this is where you will find the locations available for these roles. The CFGdegree itself takes place remotely, but you would need to be 100% willing to relocate or commute if you do not live in the relevant area by the time the start date for the role approaches to uphold your end of the learner agreement.

You may also notice that the "Educational Only" CFG Scholar opportunities will list a location, even though the CFGdegree takes place remotely and there is no sponsored role afterwards. This is because the sponsoring company has selected regions where they are interested in boosting the local economy and building more tech talent!

Some roles will be remote jobs, but if they are in the UK/IRELAND section of the CFGdegree opportunities, than unfortunately these remote roles are only available to people who reside in the UK currently. This is usually due to tax purposes, different employment laws, and many more complex reasons as to why a remote UK company would not consider overseas employees.


This is the start date of the role being advertised. In some cases the company will not have finalised a start date yet, so we will be unable to share it at this stage. You are welcome to still apply and ask further questions at the Company Interview stage.


If you click "Show More", each listing should clearly display whether or not they will be open to sponsoring Visas, and sometimes more information such as whether they will only consider British Nationals, or whether they will support relocation fees. For more information on Visas click here.

The stages of the CFGdegree application process:

  1. Submit one application form for your main choice company
  2. You will be invited via email to take our Tech Assessment which needs to be completed as soon as possible
  3. You will hear back within 3 working days whether you passed the Tech Assessment, in some cases you may need to retake it (more information here)
  4. If you passed the Tech Assessment you will be invited to complete an online video interview (some client opportunities that are mentorship-only do not include an interview stage, so if this applies to you then skip to step 8!)
  5. Our team will take careful time here to sift thousands of amazing video applications 
  6. Some candidates are forwarded to Company Interview which is the final stage of sifting 
  7. These candidates are asked to take part in coaching sessions for their interview and sometimes asked by the sponsoring company to complete further online assessments
  8. Upon successful selection from the sponsoring company, we will reach out with an agreement for the student to sign offering them their space on the CFGdegree!

Mentorship/CFG Sponsored opportunities do not involve any interview stages - the team will sift directly from application forms!

I'm fast-tracked from the last cohort - what does that mean?

When you apply for a cohort and are unsuccessful, you will be asked if you would like to be opted into fast-tracking for the following cohort. Fast-tracking describes the ability to skip re-taking your tech assessment, and retaking your video interview is optional. We can only carry your tech assessment forward by 2 cohorts, so you may need to retake it if it has been a couple of cohorts. 
This is subject to change based on the software we use. For example, if we begin using a different application to track tech assessments, or if we decide to use a different video interview website, you may be required to submit a new one as the data would be wiped in this rare case.
Your interview will also be reviewed before other non fast-tracked students, but it doesn’t guarantee you preferential treatment or a space on the CFGdegree. Please submit one form for your choice company via the website and you will not be asked to take your tech assessment again but the option to re-take the interview will be offered.

Please note: Fast-tracked students STILL need to submit a new company application form when applications launch. This is because we need your data to be completely up to date, and different companies need different student data from cohort to cohort, to ensure we process your application based on the opportunity requirements.


I haven't heard back yet - when will I find out if I have a space?

While the dedicated CFGdegree team are working through applications, we process all applications for each role based on the final deadline for applications, and then completion of the tech assessment. Some company roles have less spaces on offer, so they are often quicker to sift - please don't worry if you see other people receiving a response quicker than you. Everybody will hear back no later than one week before the CFGdegree begins. Please only reach out if this deadline is breached, as it's a very busy time for the sifting team and the support team. We know how frustrating it can be – please hang tight!

If you would like to know what the next steps are following a company interview this article here should prove useful. 

What is the difference between first and second-round offers?

There are two rounds of offers for the CFGdegree; first-round and second-round.

If you are a candidate with a first-round offer, you will be matched to our hiring companies and put forward to company interviews with hiring managers. This is usually the final stage (excluding any company-specific assessments/testing) before an offer is made.

If you are a candidate with a second-round offer, you are still a high-calibre applicant who we would like to get placed on the CFGdegree. Our second-round offer candidates may still get placed across our CFG-sponsored places or have an opportunity to interview/be sponsored by a company with any late requests.


Can I withdraw/defer my application? 

If you can no longer commit to the CFGdegree you have applied for, you can withdraw your application by contacting us using this form (please note, this is only if you have not signed your offer contract). If you have signed your contract with the sponsoring company, you will need to discuss this with the team directly.

You cannot defer your CFG-sponsored place on the CFGdegree but deferring your company-sponsored place is only possible if the company sponsor has a specific place they can offer on a future cohort. This will need to be discussed with the team again so please use the same form to put this request in.

Otherwise, you can choose to decline your offer and forfeit your place on the CFGdegree and you must reapply. You will be eligible for fast-tracking for your next application. Fast-tracking means being able to skip retaking your tech assessment and retaking your video interview is optional. Your interview will also be reviewed before other non-fast-tracked students, but it doesn’t guarantee you preferential treatment or a space on the CFGdegree.


FYI: We will always email you from a email address. Please report and block any spam emails. 

We normally email from unless you have reached the final stage of CFGdegree applications, you may be contacted from employee-specific email addresses.

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